

发表时间: 2019-05-21 17:55


光绪通宝中国古代钱币之一。清德宗爱新觉罗·载湉,光绪年间(公元1875-1908年)铸。Guangxu Tongbao is one of the ancient Chinese coins. Qingdezongaixinjueluo, cast during the reign of Guangxu(AD 1875-1908).

钱文楷书或楷兼隶,楷兼宋三体。背文满、回文记局、记年、记吉语,记批次等多种形式。造币方法铸造的第一批中国样式(外圆孔方)的行用钱。Qian Wenkai's book or <UNK> concurrently, <UNK> and Song three body. There are many forms of writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, and writing. The first batch of Chinese styles(outer hole Square) cast by the mint method.

此枚钱币重3克,直径2.5cm,"不论光绪通宝精彩绝伦的机制钱币,也不论光绪通宝之稀见怪异之版别,钱币小巧俊美、端庄秀丽,也堪称翻铸制造之精华,其钱文书法继承和发展了咸丰钱币楷书遗风,纤细挺拔、刚柔相济,又超过了康乾盛世。"诸多魅力系于一身,真是无可限量的好藏品呢。 This coin weighs 3 grams and has a diameter of 2.5 cm. "Regardless of Guangxu Tongbao's brilliant mechanism coins, and regardless of the rare and strange version of Guangxu Tongbao, the coins are small, beautiful, and dignified. They are also the essence of casting. Its Qian Wen calligraphy inherited and developed the legacy of Xianfeng coins, slender and upright, rigid and soft, and surpassed Kang Gan's prosperity. "There is no limit to the charm of the collection.
