

发表时间: 2023-09-01 18:00




Cultural relics: 文物的常用表达方式。

例句:The museum houses a vast collection of cultural relics from different periods of history. (博物馆收藏了来自不同历史时期的大量文物。)

Cultural artifacts: 文化艺术品。

例句:Archaeologists uncovered a variety of cultural artifacts during their excavation of the ancient site. (考古学家在对古代遗址进行挖掘时发现了各种文化艺术品。)

Heritage objects: 传统遗产物品。

例句:The museum's exhibition showcases heritage objects that highlight the region's rich history. (博物馆的展览展示了突显该地区丰富历史的传统遗产物品。)

Historical relics: 历史遗迹。

例句:The preservation of historical relics helps us connect with our past and learn from it. (保护历史遗迹有助于我们与过去联系并从中学习。)

Antiquities: 古董。

例句:The auction house specializes in selling valuable antiquities to collectors around the world. (这家拍卖行专门向世界各地的收藏家出售有价值的古董。)

Artifacts of the past: 过去的手工艺品。

例句:Museums play a crucial role in preserving and displaying artifacts of the past for future generations. (博物馆在保护和展示过去的手工艺品方面发挥着关键作用。)

Relics from bygone eras: 来自往昔时代的遗迹。

例句:The exhibition showcases relics from bygone eras, giving visitors a glimpse into the lives of our ancestors. (这次展览展示了来自往昔时代的遗迹,让游客一窥我们祖先的生活。)
